
Wearable ART
- not only a bridal dress -

the white page dress blog

THE WHITE PAGE DRESS (2016) or the rite of the eternal return. This unique dress reflects the concept of the white page as a wearable art piece with the strong symbolic message of a beginning. For more info click here or fill out the bespoke form in case you are interested in a very personal interpretation of this iconic shape.





 silent voice - speaking label


silent voice speaking label




the white page is the cosmic silence - the home of all the existing sounds.

the white page is the entrance to the abyss - the nothingness that contains the entire universe.

the white page - the beginning and the end of the artist.


white page

ATELIERSEPTEM is not about fashion. It is unique clothing conceived for dressing not body, but SOUL. ATELIERSEPTEM is not a single art, but the union of different forms of art, it is a language.