
Wearable ART
- the flat amphora dress -

flat amphora dress blog

FLAT AMPHORA DRESS or the value of the content is an iconic amphora shape, symbol of the alchemical vessel - container of the inner potential. The four openings (head, hands, feet) allow the movement of the energy flow in a balanced way. The simple look emphasizes the content - the person that stays in it, at the same time the symbolic amphora shape holds and preserves the sacred feminine energy. Timeless elegance and freeness of movement tailor-made in Florence. For more info click here or fill out the bespoke form in case you are interested in a very personal interpretation of this eternal piece.


ATELIERSEPTEM is not about fashion. It is unique clothing conceived for dressing not body, but SOUL. ATELIERSEPTEM is not a single art, but the union of different forms of art, it is a language.